Do you know your Online customer?

I'm just back from the PhocusWright Travel Technology conference. At the conference we had several industry experts evaluate our websites. Although there were a handful of suggestions, their feedback was very positive and led me to the conclusion that we're definitely ahead of many travel sites online in a great many ways. I'm currently scoping out some of the suggested changes, and none look to be very difficult so far.

Here are some interesting findings from the conference :
  • 2 out of every 3 minutes spent on Travel websites are spent by people in the 55+ age group.
  • Offline advertising is the genesis of 2/3 of all searches in the travel category.
  • 39% of those searching for travel actually convert to travel clients - this is much higher than any other category on the Internet (other categories avg is 12%).
  • Searching for travel online is a mainstream activity - 86% of all US internet users will conduct an online search using a travel keyword this year.
  • The global potential of the internet is where the future is - North America is only 25% of the potential audience for travel products.
  • 40% of all clicks to travel websites are from paid search results (Travel is the highest percentage - all other internet industries average 12% from paid results).
  • 88% of Travel Category conversions take 0-60 days - this is the longest purchase cycle of any online industry. (Cruises take the longest, while airline tickets take the least amount of time to convert online)
  • 30% of all internet users delete cookies (within the 60 day period) and evade most online conversion tracking used to measure Return On Investment.

I'll talk more later about findings from this conference, but with these stats we can once again show a strong tendency to really look at the internet as a mainstream way to generate qualified leads from qualified consumers in a quick and efficient manner.

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