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Good article on link building
Mike Monahan
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Avoid Social Networking Mistakes
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Suggestions for getting more from Facebook
Ten Things You Need to Know About Facebook by Thomas Krivak (Note data is from March 08)
5 Tips For Getting More from Facebook - from Duct Tape Marketing
Facebook 101: 25 Tips and Tricks -
Networking on FaceBook is a key part of many agent's marketing plans. Make it part of yours and succeed.
Posting a link to FaceBook or Twitter? Encode, Shorten and Track.
For example
non - encoded :

Here's a handy link to help you encode your URLs to this format : URL Coding Converter
A second recommendation - use URL shortening services from , or another such service (Please note you still need to encode the URL's ). Using these types of shortened URL's gives you two advantages - 1. you can track click through traffic. 2. - You can post shorter links on Twitter posts, FaceBook status posts and other such postings.

Attack of the "Partner Booking Link"
As an agent, you need the consumer to come directly to you. If in going to you, you immediately direct them to something that looks like the cruise line's site then the message you're sending the consumer is that the cruise line is the expert. The next thing that goes through the consumer's mind is - well why do I need to go through the agent - I'll cut out the middle man and save myself money. Partner Booking links send the wrong message to the consumer, and encourage the wrong behavior. The message you're sending when you use such a link is that you're not the expert, the cruise line is. It encourages direct booking behavior from the consumer in a subtle but effective way. The messaging throughout the site can have your contact info in bold blinking lights, but the consumer gets the branding message to book direct with the cruise line.
The one thing to remember is that consumers typically visit a site 6 times before making a buying decision. In the case of a partner booking link, it's hard to believe that by time #6 the consumer is still typing in your address rather than the supplier's directly.
Imagine for a moment that a cruise line offered to take your phone calls for you and give you a commission on any sales they make - do you think that your consumers would be in better off in their hands? Do you think people would continue to call you? Would your client base grow? Would you make more money? If you think the answer to any of these questions is yes, then it's time to rethink your place in this business.
As cruise specialists we're driven to add value to every transaction through better advice and experience, better insurance, unbiased advice and a commitment to truly act as the advocate for the consumer. You can't do this when unbiased info doesn't appear on the web page and is completely out of the equation. Partner booking links commoditize what agents do, and they're truly your enemy. Treat them that way and thrive.
April Fool's Day Cruise News -The Top 10 Stories That Never Happened...But Could
Mike Monahan
April Fool's Day Cruise News
The Top 10 Stories That Never Happened...But Could
NCL introduces the newest concept in alternative dining.
NCL's newest vessel, the Norwegian Epic will introduce PFAST. PFAST is an alternative restaurant that serves no food and encourages fasting. PFAST Guests will be able to make reservations for this exclusive restaurant from their room with a minimum of 24 hours notice. Guests will be served water, learn how to chant as well as more about the fasting lifestyle. A nominal cover charge of $9.95 will be assessed to client¿s onboard charge account. NCL says proceeds will benefit co-operative feeding programs worldwide.
Holland America to introduce Windmill Power aboard their fleet.
Holland America Line has long been an environmentally conscious company, and now Holland America is taking eco-friendly cruising to a whole new level. Holland America will be constructing windmills that will adorn the decks of the Holland America fleet. Holland America's Knut VanDerhoven stated "Windmills have long been a part of Dutch Culture, and we look forward to adding this authentically Dutch feature to Holland America's fleet." The windmills are expected to save the company millions in fuel costs. Experts estimate that up to 25% of shipboard power could be generated from the windmills. Shipyard sources have stated that the windmills will be surrounded by tulips and a 9 hole miniature golf course.
Carnival's Towel Animal Theater Going to Prime Time
Fox television announced Towel Animal Theater as part of it's 2009 Fall Prime Time lineup. Towel Animal Theater has been a hugely popular feature of Carnival's website, and it's cult following has become legendary. The Prime Time Show will feature the lives of these popular towel animals and their antics aboard a Carnival Cruise.move over Love Boat.
Royal Caribbean International Announces Newest Feature on Oasis of the Seas
Royal Caribbean International announced Oasis of the Sea's newest feature at the Water-Skiing Hall of Fame today. Company President Richard Fain made the announcement while skiing behind a jet boat stating "Oasis will be the first ship to offer waterskiing behind the ship." It is believed that as many as 10 people can ski simultaneously behind the ship. Water ski enthusiasts are encouraged by this move and look forward to this amazing development. Costs to water-ski behind the ship start at just $49 for a half-hour session or $499 for an unlimited skiing package. Stockholders have expressed enthusiasm for the additional revenue opportunity, and have stated that they expect an increase in travel insurance sales as a result of this new venture.
Regent Seven Seas Makes Pledge to Environmental Group.
Regent Seven Seas Cruises were being protested by the group Save The Trees. Save the Trees is a group of environmentalists who were upset by their ship's "excessive use of teak". In an effort to be more eco-friendly Regent has pledged to use more artificial materials in the construction of their ships.
MSC Introduces Fun New Theme Night To All Cruises
MSC Cruises has test marketed their new theme night "Fig Leaf Night" and it's a hit. Not to be outdone by Costa Cruise's toga night, MSC Cruises has experimented with the new Fig Leaf Night for several weeks in Europe to rave reviews. Fig Leaf Night consists of cabin stewards giving Fig Leaves to guests in their staterooms, and client¿s wearing these fig leaves (and little else) to the various evening events aboard the vessel. MSC¿s Activities Directory Pablo Capenelli, stated "Fig Leaf Night fits MSC to a tee. Our company's roots in Italian culture are supported by this theme night. Our company's slogan of Beautiful, Passionate, Italian is made a reality by the execution of this theme." Fig Leaf night will be held the last night of each MSC cruise.
Disney To Tap 2 Ex Mouseketeers as Godmothers of New Ships.
Disney Dream And Disney Fantasy will soon be leaving the shipyard and Disney has decided to announce the ships' Godmothers. In a move that has Disney-philes everywhere talking, Disney Cruise Line has named ex-Mouseketeer Britney Spears as Godmother of the new Disney Dream and ex-Mouseketeer Christina Aguilera as Godmother of the Disney Fantasy.
Silversea to Add Luxury Amenities to Lifeboats
In an effort to further separate themselves from others in the Luxury Cruise Industry, Silversea has added luxury furnishings including flat screen televisions, an open bar and butler service to lifeboats aboard Silversea's fleet. Stephan Alport, the designer of these new luxury appointed lifeboats quipped that "Silversea will treat distressed guests better than most cruise lines treat their guests." Thurston Howell III, eat your heart out.
Celebrity Cruises Offers Homeless Celebrities A New Home
In a move to help during the current housing crisis, Celebrity Cruises has offered to give homeless Celebrities a new home onboard Celebrity's fleet. It's rumored that an ex-Tonight Show co host heads the list of celebrities taking up Celebrity Cruises on their generous offer.
Cunard's New Queen Elizabeth to Host Two American TV Favorites onboard
In an effort to broaden the American appeal of Cunard's onboard experience, Cunard has sought the expertice of two popular Brits that are American TV Favorites. Chef Gordon Ramsey, from Fox TV's "Hell's Kitchen" and Hugh Laurie the infamous doctor from Fox TV's "House" will be featured onboard the newest Cunarder Queen Elizabeth. Guests aboard Queen Elizabeth can participate in the "Gordon Ramsey Dining Experience". Guests can either cook, serve or be served while being insulted by the famous Chef Gordon Ramsey. Guests needing medical attention onboard can expect a similarly brash style of care from a virtual "House-call". Guests who feel ill will be able to interact with their stateroom television using their television's remote control. House will diagnose your illness and insult your intelligence at the same time giving you the genuine "House treatment". Should greater medical care be needed, medical staff onboard will be summoned.
Right Here - Right Now
At a time of global expansion for the cruise industry, I thought it would be interesting to reflect on this video. Think of the global possiblities.
Facebook - It's everywhere
Why is Facebook such a phenomenon? Well, in short it allows you to share your daily activities, thoughts and photos with friends. It integrates email, chat, video, photos and applications in an atmosphere that's both friendly and open. It allows you to share your online life with people you would normally share your offline life with anyway.
Facebook is a vendor friendly environment where the few ads that are shown are targeted to you based upon your demographic profile, and vendors attempt to entertain you with interesting Facebook Applications that help you interact with their brands.
Share events like cruise nights, share photos from ship inspections, share articles on the cruise industry, post deals to your "wall", and you'll find you're going to get more referrals from friends beacuse they remember that you're in the business.