Posting a link to FaceBook or Twitter? Encode, Shorten and Track.
If you're adding a link to a posting on Face Book consider the following tips. Don't just post the link as is, encode it first. Face Book frames URL's, and in doing such it breaks many url's in the process. The way to fix this is to Encode your URL first by making sure it doesn't contain non-Ascii characters. Often URL's will contain non-ascii characters, and can be found in browsers, but this doesn't work when an address is framed. To fix this, be sure to encode your url with the Ascii equivalent.
For example
non - encoded :
For example
non - encoded :

Here's a handy link to help you encode your URLs to this format : URL Coding Converter
A second recommendation - use URL shortening services from , or another such service (Please note you still need to encode the URL's ). Using these types of shortened URL's gives you two advantages - 1. you can track click through traffic. 2. - You can post shorter links on Twitter posts, FaceBook status posts and other such postings.

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